The Fountain Hill Homeowners Association’s Board of Directors adopts an open door policy on neighborhood services and welcomes private bid proposals on any services that the subdivision contracts. All proposals should be submitted in writing to the President of the HOA.
Please call Entergy to report street lights in the neighborhood that are out or not functioning correctly.
Ascension Parish Sheriff (Non Emergency) | 225-621-8300 |
Entergy (Electricty, Streetlight Maintenance) | 800-368-3749 |
Atmos Energy (Natural Gas) | 888-286-6700 |
Acadian Waste (Trash Collection) | 225-744-6400 |
Allied Waste (Trash Collection) | 225-778-3800 |
Eatel (Telephone, Internet, Cable) | 225-621-4300 |
Cox Cable (Telephone, Internet, Cable) | 225-615-1000 |
Integrity Mailboxes | 225-763-9400 |
LA One Call (Call before you dig) | 811 |
Direct TV | 877-423-3403 |
Exede Satellite Internet Service | 855-894-5665 |